“The MQM should operate from Pakistan alone, There is a problem and it needs to be resolved”, said Farooq Sattar in a press conference held after a huge crackdown against party workers and leaders and criticism from all sectors of the society.
- On March 11, 2015, he warned the Rangers who had raided the party headquarters.
- On April 30, 2015, he asked the Muhajir youth to buy arms, have commando physical training and learn how to shoot in Defense and Clifton.
- On July 12, 2015, he said that the officers of 1992 operation were killed like dogs and current officers of operation were killed like pigs.
- On July 15, 2015, he said that there will be “war on the streets” of Karachi and that “Pakistan will be turned into Somalia”.
- On July 16, 2015, he issued direct threats to DG ISI & DG Rangers and said that after their death he would drag their bodies out of graves and hang them on roads.
- On October 15, 2015, he said that he once again bashed Sindh Rangers and said that he would break open their skulls and play football with them.
- On September 11, 2012, 289 people were killed during an arson in a garment factory. An official JIT accused MQM for the disaster as the owner of the ill-fated factory refused the extortion.
- On May 12, 2007, 48 people shot dead during a forced strike and violent protest against suspended chief justice Iftikhar Chaudry. Now many officials have claimed that MQM was involved in these riots.
- On October 17, 1998, a famous philanthropist and scholar Hakeem Saeed was shot dead. Later the culprits were found from MQM and they blamed party leadership to lead the murder.
- On January 13, 2011, Geo news reporter Wali Baber was murdered and the culprits Soolat Mirza and Faisla Mirza released a video revealing the militant activities of the party.
Is ALTAF alone responsible for MQM's fate??? Why did he enjoyed ingrained position in politics instead of his anti-Pakistan stance??? All these questions can be answered by Talat Hussain's statement
" Altaf's fall is also a proof of how disastrously the establishment's projects failed. He is a self-inflicted wound". He also added "Built by Gen Zia, revived by Gen Mush hired by London, Altaf's system is an indictment of the establishment's experiments."
So all these people are also included in all the criminal activities of the party. Initially Gen Zia used MQM's military wing against PPPP in Sindh and also to ignite Shia-Sunni genocide in Karachi. Afterwards PPPP shook hands with MQM for their government. A failed operation (operation clean up afterwards operation Bluefox) is also an example of how our military and political establishment made Altaf from a leader to hero to his community. Our political as well as military establishment is equally involved in MQM's crime. As quoted by BBC, on 12 May, 2007 only 22 policemen were armed during that violent protest in a city of 20 million people and Gen. Musharaf (then the president of Pakistan) clearly admired and owned all these violence on the very same night in a public gathering organized by Chaudries of PMLQ . While during Baldya Town incident MQM was a part of both the federal and provincial governments led by PPPP. So why is all these people so upset now. They all were once partners of this traitor and now they want to gain the upper hand by criticizing Altaf Hussain, because this time the victim of his violence is the media, the most powerful institution of the country after ARMY. and the law enforcement agencies are taking advantage of this situation. While now it is also apparent that Faroq Satar' press conference was also a puppet show of Altaf Hussain just to abate the public statement. Now it is the mean time to get rid of the military wings of the party. Establishment should play an important role in this whole scenario as it has shown maturity in the recent times while combating against the terrorism in the country as well as in the politically unrested city like Karachi. And now it is the time that our political leaders should show sanity and should stand against such militarized political factors to have their political gains and also for the establishment to stop intervening in the political affairs of the country and now should stop creating such self-inflicting wounds for the country.